Hi there! I’m Faye,
Mom & PMU Entrepreneur
Over the last 7 years I have helped ambitious women, just like you, to build their own PMU empires
I was over-worked, over-stressed, had a job I hated and a life that didn't feel like was mine...
Waking up everyday to a job I didn't love, leaving my daughter in a daycare I couldn't really afford, and feeling like there had to be more to this life I was living. I felt like I was doing all the right things, but nothing felt right. I knew there had to be more but I had no idea what I could do or how I could make a change.
I wanted to be able to be home with my daughter when I needed, I craved a job I was excited to wake up and go to, and truthfully I was sick and tired of barely making enough money to make ends meet. Have you ever felt that way?
Then I finally found my purpose, and it was in the last place I thought I would find it....